Friday, July 26, 2013

Tuhog and Jologs

Our unit in education class was called off this afternoon.  Since I already prepared for my next class after that, I had nothing else to do.  So, I sneaked into the cinema while waiting for my 6 PM class and what I had come across with was the movie, Tuhog.  The title itself suggests a double meaning.  If you are the kinky type of person, you're gonna interpret it maliciously.  It sounds like an X-rated film but the main characters were portrayed by wholesome actors and actress.  

As the movie preludes, it reminded me of the 2002 Star Cinema film, Jologs.  It was a movie of different people from all walks of life.  It told each individual's story which reflected all cases of day to day survival.  It talked about man's quest in sustaining everyday life, in fulfilling his dream, in finding love, and in pursuing happiness.  It also showed how all human beings are interconnected with each other.  That what an individual does can greatly affect another individual and vise versa.

In Jologs, the main characters did not know each other but they were made to have their common denominator which was the coffee shop.  In the same way, Tuhog's main characters also did not know each other but they were made common through the bus.  

The characters also have similarities.  Just like Mang Tonio.  Mang Tonio's story was into fulfilling an unfinished business which was his lifetime dream of becoming a baker.  This was already portrayed by Cher of Jologs who was following his heart into becoming a woman for the pursuit of his happiness.  Likewise, Fiesta was the galit-ako-sa-mundo/pakialam-ko-sa-problema-mo-mas-malaki-pa-problema-ko type of miserable person that was also already portrayed by Trigger who was a selfish boss.  Moreover, the teenage sweethearts Caloy and Angel reminded me of Dino and Faith who were so hasty in giving up their virginity!  

Basically, Tuhog is just like a remake of Jologs.  Though the story had been told some eleven years ago, it still conveys the same BIG message of celebrating LIFE!  It reminds us to live life carpé diem style!  It shows us how short life is so we ought to make use of it, enjoy it, and live it to the fullest!  It tells us that if we want to do something, we have to do it now!  If we want to say something, we have to say it now!  And if we want to experience something, we have to experience it now!  Though there are plenty of hindrances, sneak a little bit!  Though it might be quiet wrong, cheat just for once!  Because we never know when our time is up.  Maybe it will be too late.  Maybe, the thing that would make us happy is already gone even before we notice that it had already passed us by.  

So, let's move forward and SEIZE THE DAY!  Let us INDULGE for we only live once!  
A Selfie Movie Date

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Wear Your Favorite Floral Scent Today!

Tired of the humdrum of every day life?  Or feeling pressured in your studies or job?  "Go out and smell the flower", they say!  This oh-too familiar quote is a bit worn-out but this is a very helpful reminder for us to take a break from time to time.  Just like me now.  I'm taking a li'l break from studying because my mind cannot function well anymore.  I got a bit stressed from my unit in education class yesterday and I am already starting to feel the pressure in teaching.  Because previously, I just regarded teaching as a past-time but now I am doing it for real.  So for only 30 minutes, I'm taking a break from it and here's my way of taking a break:  commenting pictures of Facebook friends, posting this message, and applying this message into actuality. 
Photo from
Just as the flowers are squeezed to extract essential oil to make perfume, we must also be pressured at times to bring out what is best in us.  Let us not take it negatively if we are being pushed by our teachers or bosses because they are just instruments for us to be better.  In anyhow, we can always take a break.  So for those who are feeling super stressed with what must to be done, keep calm for a while first and enjoy that quiet break.  Wear your favorite floral scent today then off you will go again in pursuing your duty efficiently!  

Fascino Blossoms are now available at Fascino!  This includes the famous Japanese Cherry Blossom.  Additionally, Aromatherapy Specials are also available which includes the relaxing power of Lavender.  Visit us at Gomez St., Ozamis City (beside Mom's Sweet Delight, across Kinny's Bakeshop)! :)       

Monday, July 22, 2013

Monday Matters: My Thoughts on PNoy's Fourth SONA

Monday Matters is dedicated to all things that matter.

I know my blog is just about simply me - my adventures, my potpourri, and my Fascino.  It is just a personal blog aiming to make myself be made known, to showcase my hometown Ozamis City, and to feature some business establishments and brands which I am faithfully patronizing.  Overall, my blog tackles about beautiful things, having a light mood and attitude.  But for today, I dare it to be differently heavy.  I dare to write on politics in which I am not too inclined about.  

I admit, I'm not really into politics and this is my first time to express my thoughts on a really significant issue.  As a person who doesn't care about serious and too brainy stuffs, politics never stir my interest up.  Though people around me are already debating about politics, I just keep quiet and don't listen at all.  For me, politics is just there, causing havoc to the nations, and inflicting perplexity to the people!  And I don't want to stress myself with that!  Not until I became part of an organization, the Junior Chamber International (JCI) Philippines.

Then I started caring about the community and the world.  Since I was once rubbing elbows with the millionaire businessmen and powerful politicians, little by little I came to understand politics.  Much more when I became the president of our local organization, the JCI-Ozamis Red Rose.  By then, I learned using and experienced being used and hated all for the sake of politics.  So I came to ponder, politics is not evil at all.  But it is the act of politicking which makes it evil to the eyes of the people who doesn't understand the way it works.  Moreso, it is not the politicians to be blamed for whatever mishap that had happened but it is the way on how they handle the integrity of their office.  For politics has its own culture and one has to take effort in trying to dig deeper in understanding its real way of life.

So as President Benigno Simeon C. Aquino III delivered his State of the Nation Address (SONA) today, I took effort in watching and listening to him intently.  There are only three main points I would like to share my thoughts with, out from his SONA and here they are:

The Title of the SONA

The title of the SONA was "Pagtahak sa Tuwid na Daan:  Ang Ika-Apat na SONA".  As you might recall, PNoy's platform while vying for presidency last 2010 national election was to make the path of the Philippine government straight.  Why did he did so?  It is because Filipinos were already fed up with all the corruption issues happening in the country.  We were longing for a change and there came somebody who promised a change.  At that time, majority of the Filipinos claimed his promise so he was elected to hold the highest position in the land.  In three years time, yes there were already changes!  Apart from abolishing wangwangs in his first month of term, he also replaced the secretaries of executive departments for he believed that replacing the heads of offices with trustworthy people would start that big change of making the crooked path straight.  And how did the journey to the straight path go?  The Aquino administration enumerated its achievements of changes and one of these changes is the continuous increase in the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) growth.      

The Increase in GDP Growth

For the previous administrations before the Aquino, the economic status of the Philippines had been sloping downhill.  This just means that our peso value is getting less compared with the currencies of other countries and this further means that our country is getting poorer and poorer each year.  But after one year of the Aquino administration, the GDP increased and is continually increasing until now.  This just shows a good sign on the effectiveness of safeguarding the so-called kaban ng bayan from greedy government officials nationwide.  President Aquino is just so wise in releasing funds to the local and national government units thus securing the wealth of the people's money.  But how come there are still a large number of poor Filipino families?  If the country had already recovered from its crisis, why are there still poor people?  Well in any thing, change cannot happen overtime.  It has to undergo a process and this increase in GDP growth is only a preliminary to that process.  Eliminating hunger and strife cannot take for only three years to happen.  At least now, we are going to that direction and the masses must also do its share in making their lives better.  Fortunately, Filipinos started to understand in not just hoping for the government to feed them but to do his or her part as an individual on how to put food on the table.  So in three years time, there is also an increase in the employment rate of the country.  And better employment comes from better education thus the Aquino administration also furthered Philippine education.

The Improved Delivery of Education Services

Albeit the people's negative reactions on the K to 12 Basic Education Program of the Department of Education, the Aquino administration had been working hard in implementing this radical change for the country.  This has been done for the Philippines to be at par with the first-world countries in terms of the educational system.  With this, our degrees and licenses would be credited to such countries thus enabling us to compete globally.  Many Filipinos think that we are not yet prepared for this kind of change but at least, we are already taking a step.  A number of secondary public schools had already been opened which had paved way for plenty of teachers employment.  In this regard, any youth can also go to school and avail such low-cost education for these schools had been made accessible even at the far-flung barangays in the country.  Moreover, kindergarten schools are also given much attention to prepare every Filipino child for a brighter future.

Truly, making changes do take a lot of processes and a great deal of time.  But as PNoy stressed, "Now, we are experiencing change...change that was brought about by the millions of Filipinos who have, in their own ways, big and small, pitched in and transformed the country", we had altogether contributed to that CHANGE!  So no matter who you are, what we do affects the totality of the status of our country.  So altogether, let us cooperate in the journey to the straight path by doing makialam and not magkikibit-balikat because this is our nation.  And what we are doing today for our nation affects our future children.  In unity, let us move forward and onward to a better Philippines!

So there goes my thoughts and opinion for PNoy's SONA.  Some of you might take it still lowly but I am proud to say that I had reached this age and maturity to have had written that!  In so far, this has been a seriously deep and sensitive blog post - the longest I had written ever!  So your comments and suggestions would be very much appreciated.  Drop in your feedback to! :)       

Related Post:

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Saturday Surprise: Simpleng Hiling Granted!

Saturday Surprise is all about the good things in life ought to be celebrated!:)

Once a year, there's this peryahan at Cotta in time for the fiesta celebration and it is not every year that I get to visit it.  When I was a child, I always loved to go to a peryahan so I could ride the carousel and enter the horror house.  It always made me feel giddy with excitement every time the peryahan started installing and assembling at the back of Gaizano.  But as I grew up, I lost interest in visiting a peryahan because it already bored me with its monotonousness.  Additionally, the peryahan is now unlike before which had plenty of rides, gimmicks, and shows.  What is left now are only remnants of the peryahan from long ago comprised of a Ferris wheel, two caterpillars, a carousel not of horses but of Jollibee, and plenty of pasugalan.

However, I secretly wished to ride the Ferris wheel again as I passed by at Cotta two weeks before the fiesta.  As an acrophobic, I wished to feel the fear again and shout until my lungs content!  My cousin Rio and sister June Ann agreed to visit the peryahan with our pamangkins Ella and Reija but it always rained every night for the entire week the other week.  Then fiesta was already about to end when we never got to the peryahan together.  Fortunately, Marvel went to the store right on fiesta day!  We agreed to stroll around the city so I got the chance to jokingly tell him that I wanted to ride the Ferris wheel.  Surprisingly, he agreed with me!  And more fortunately, we bumped into our sweetheart friends Gabriel and Reloufe at Gaizano.  So off we went to Cotta for our fun fiesta ride!
Then I was so excited upon queuing for our tickets!  Finally, I'm gonna get to experience the thrill of just spinning around and feeling to get on top of the world! (Para namang ang taas ng Ferris wheel na ito!)  But anyway, at least I could have that kind of adventure again.  
At last, we got into our compartment and our excitement heightened.  We had so much fun while on the ride because Reloufe got instantly dizzy.  We teased her and shouted to the operator to have the spinning faster.  But our request was not granted since the chubibo is already ancient and there were also kids on the ride.  So, we just had a moderate-spinning wheel and Reloufe blamed it on me every time the wheel goes down because it made her more nauseated.
And within fifteen minutes or so, our ride was already up!  We thanked God for our safe landing and that we're still alive.  I also thanked Marvel, Reloufe, and Gabriel for accompanying and accommodating me.  If it were not for them, I couldn't have my simpleng hiling granted.  It really pays to have some good friends around who give into your kalokohan and konsenti you from time to time.  Again, thank you dear friends for all the love and support!  :)

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Monday, July 15, 2013

Subayan Keg Subanen Festival 2013

And it's fiesta time again in the big OZ!  As part of the city's celebration, the Subayan Keg Subanen Festival which is a street dancing and merrymaking event was held this morning in the streets of Ozamis!  This is an annual tradition of Ozamisnons to honor the early settlers of the city who were the Subanens.   
Pure Subanens Spearheaded the Parade
All secondary schools in Ozamis City participated in the street dancing competition with a total of 14 contingents.
Gala National High School Kicked Off the Event as Performer No.1 
Then the showdown began with the unique Subanen dance moves depicting their rich cultural heritage.
Apart from the colorful and beautiful costumes, grandiose props were also used to make the festivity even more lively!
Then the dance told the story of courtship.  It interpreted how Subanens find their mate and how they say "I love you" to each other.
Every participant was so serious with the drama and internalized their role very well.
Moreover, each contingent had its princess who acted as the lead dancer of the group.
So congratulations to all the winners as follows:

Festival Champion - Ozamis City School of Arts and Trade (OCSAT)
1st Place - Ozamis City National High School (OCNHS)
2nd Place - Calabayan National High School

Best in Costume - Ozamis City School of Arts and Trade (OCSAT)
Best in Musicality - Ozamis City National High School (OCNHS)
Best in Street Dance - Ozamis City School of Arts and Trade (OCSAT)
Best in Choreography - Ozamis City School of Arts and Trade (OCSAT)

Year after year, the Subayan Keg Subanen Festival have upgraded its performance.  I am proud to say that it can now be compared with the other Philippine-renowned festivals like Cebu's Sinulog.  Hopefully next year, all Ozamisnons would grace the occasion by witnessing such festivities so the streets of Ozamis would be fully jam-packed.  It would be a shame for an Ozamisnon to have missed paying tribute to his or her roots.  Just one simple act of being a spectator would matter a lot so huwag maging dayuhan sa sariling bayan.  Mahalin natin ang sariling atin! :)
Just Proud Ozamisnons!
Cooled Down at Jollibee After the Show

 Happy Fiesta, Ozamis! :)

This blog post is dedicated to my dear uncle, Mr. Mario William Olandesca who is now physically living in the States but mentally and heartily living in Ozamis.  He misses Ozamis so much and is now very active in the Facebook group, Taga Ozamis Ka Kung (TOKK) which shows how he ultimately loves his hometown.   

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Friday, July 12, 2013

Feature Friday: Farronccino Café Ozamis

Feature Friday highlights businesses, people, fashion, and basically anything under the sun!

And I know you're already getting fed up with all my new-career/back-to-engineering/selfie posts so back into regular programming.  Since I started working in La Salle, I haven't got any decent Feature Friday post at all.  But thank God it's prelim exam so I quiet have a break from all class preparations.  Hopefully, every week is exam week!  Nah, sabi ng back into regular programming pero school pa rin ang chinichika!  Pwes!  Break na kung break!  So blog readers, here's my Feature Friday post for today!

I know it's a little bit late but I couldn't just let this café-ing experience come to pass.  As you may all know, I'm not into coffee so why do I even bother in posting this?  Well, it's just that I had found a place where I can smell the addictive aroma of coffee while not getting myself caffeinated.  A place where I can choose from a wide variety of cool drinks without the infusion of coffee.  And to the fact that it's a coffee shop, I can still experience "coffee" without getting myself a sleepless night.  It's just so great to have Farronccino Café in the city!
Started out as a food cart beside Greenwich, I hardly ever noticed Farronccino until me and my MUHS balot friends had balot session at Manong's right in front of the cart some two years ago.  As we went over the price list, we found their drinks cheap compared with the other brands of coolers we already know in town.  And though cheap, we still didn't have the generosity to buy one since Coke prevails to be the best pantulak for balot!  But Farronccino got it big time after years of stalling and opened a lavish coffee shop bound for homey service.  Their hot drinks (coffee or tea), coolers (coffee or non-coffee based), and cakes are just so right to the palate that everybody of all ages can gloriously enjoy!  
In addition, the ambiance of the café has also been set right for perfect picture-taking of bonding moments for Facebook and Instagram purposes.  The interiors and furniture are opulently designed to offer a decadent look for all who wishes to have a picture-perfect background.  And aside from the café's interior, soulful music is also being played where you can relax your mind.  Nonetheless, board games are also being offered for leisure playing to make sulit that quality time you are spending with your family or friends inside the shop.  

As a family-owned franchise business, family celebrations are a prerogative of Farronccino so it also has a private room inside the café.  It can host a big family for a gathering of any celebration in any season of the year.  In my case, I was so glad to celebrate the extension of my baby Fascino (sounds-like lang po ang peg) so I grabbed Lalay to have an hour of refreshment with me.  Out from our own shop, we diverted ourselves and just chilled for a while in a differently new environment.  It was great to have some girl talk while sipping Farronccino coolers and comparing one from the other.
So if you would just want to take a break for a while, visit Farronccino Café along Port Road, Ozamis City.  Whether you are in a selfie mood to read a book or access free WiFi service,
or in a I-want-to-talk-to-you mood with a friend,
or better yet, in a kulitan-tayo mood with the whole gang!
With My Then Premature First Years Who Had Suddenly Grown Up So Fast!
Farronccino Café is just the place for you to experience "Love in every cup."! :)

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Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Faces of My Phases

The Showing-Much-Skin Phase

Tiny shorts, backless tops, mini skirts, and tube tops were my fave clothing items right after college.  Those were the days when I started to explore fashion in the cosmopolitan city of Cebu.  Trying to be radical, I experimented with the shortest things to reveal my legs which I'm proud to say, an asset of mine.  And, I was always talikodgenic so I also wanted to flaunt my flawless back!  I didn't care what people might say because all I wanted was to be comfortable in what I wear and showing much skin did it best for me!

The Lady in Red Phase

When I became a member of JCI-Ozamis Red Rose, I went gaga over all sorts of red (My Royal Redness)!  This time, I became a party animal who walked as feisty and as fiery as RED!  Could you just imagine that I had traveled around the Philippine archipelago just to party???!!!  Partying all night, getting jaded the next day, meeting "big" people, feeling like a VIP - these were the things I made the most out of with to fully enjoy singlehood!!! :)

The Nutty Professor Phase

And here comes a behaved, prim, and proper phase (well, it's not that I've never been prim and proper before)!  Whoa!!!  Yes, I could still wear shorts but now I hesitate.  Yes, I could still wear red but I don't feel like wearing any red at all!  Aba, nag-MATURE!!!  Haha!  So, why on earth is this?  Maybe I've come to a point of getting over with the things I used to do, to wear, and to go crazy about.  Maybe "growing up" had gotten into me thus making me act my age.  And that is just it!  Though I miss playing around from time to time, I just have to think that I've been there, done that, and I'm through with that!  So here comes a brand new face for the phases of my life!

And what could be next to this?  Just keep on reading! :)

Photo collages are made through FotoRus.  Download it in your iPhone for free! 

Sunday, July 07, 2013

Oh, the Weirdness of Things!

Eight whole years of living a carefree, happy-go-lucky, and stress-free life.....  
Eight whole years of keeping myself at a very long distance from chemical engineering world......  
Eight whole years of going around just to find what I really want......  
Eight whole years of indulging myself into all things I love.....

But here I am again, taking life too seriously because of the new career path I am currently taking.  Life is just so absurd, you know!  The subject that I loathed much when I was in college is the very same subject I am religiously teaching right now at La Salle University.  I thought I had gone through all these miseries.  I thought I had breathe much air through these years.  But, I am coming back into this nose-bleeding, sweat-inducing, and tear-jerking way of life!

Not that I don't want it.  It's just that sometimes in our lives, we have to take moves in making our lives better and not just compromising much in giving in to what we want.  Well of course, I can still pursue doing what I want.  Maybe you might be thinking that I'll be letting go of some things. Of course not!  I will still be pursuing my baby, Fascino by Maria Rosalia.  I will still be writing interesting posts in this blog (but pardon me for not posting as often as before, my readers).  And I will still be a fashionista lady despite the fact that I am now coming back to be an engineer!

As we all experience, changes do happen at all times.  With this great change in my life, I am embracing it with arms wide open!  Though it is too weird to get back to the things I had already thrown away, I am adjusting step by step.  Though things are getting tougher each day, I could still get through these just like what I did before.  So may I present to you my first set of questionnaires for prelim exam for the subjects Modern Physics, Theoretical Mechanics, Thermodynamics, and Electromagnetism.  Pangalan pa lang ng subjects, intimidating na!  Well, I just have to live out to this and to what I had chosen!  Good luck nalang to me! :) 

Tuesday, July 02, 2013

All Wishes Do Come True: Andrea's 1st Bday Party

My inaanak Andrea Blanco Bertulfo celebrated her first birthday with a blast!  Mommy Angelie made sure to it that her unica hija's birthday would be a very enjoyable one so she did careful planning prior to the celebration.  Luckily, Daddy Arnold supported Mommy Angelie's ideas all the way, thus making her wishes for their baby come true!  Here are some photos of baby Andrea's celebration inspired by the Disney princesses as she is Daddy and Mommy's little princess:
Venue Arrangement
Chocolate Fountain and Two-Layer Cake with 30 Cupcakes
Balloon Stand 
Personalized Mug
Personalized Keychains
Postcard Invitation
Cupcake Toppers

Event Coverage (Photo Album and DVD)
Photo Album/Scrapbook
Unlimited Pictures and Picture Slideshow DVD
Party Host
Everything is an all-in-one birthday party package by Fascino!  For inquiries and bookings, visit us at Gomez St., Ozamis City (beside Mom's Sweet Delight, across Kinny's Bakeshop)! :) 

Happy Happy Birthday, Anya! :)

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