Being a teenage girl with raging hormones - I missed out on that.
Going to the prom with a date - I missed out on that.
Receiving love notes, flowers, chocolates - I missed out on that.
Having hatid-sundo - I missed out on that too.
Oh, there are just so many things that I've missed out! However, reading books like this makes me realize that I'm not the only person in this world who misses out so much! So instead of ranting, I have to appreciate that:
I was that teenage girl who earnestly sought God rather than going out to the world (but I backslid these past years and that's another story)!
I actually go on plenty of dates with my varied circles of friends (teens who are my students, colleagues who are younger than me, batchmates of my age, single titas who are older than me, and sisters in Christ who are my sounding board to keep my sanity)!
I'm having a fair share of love notes, flowers, and chocolates every now and then from my sweet students/anaks (if I haven't became a teacher, I would not have received any)!
I'm enjoying the privilege of having my Papa as my driver who supports me in all my laags and patiently waits for me while I'm out there partying (though he keeps on reminding me of our 10 PM curfew)!
And so the list continues as there are still more things to be thankful for! Now I understand what is meant by saying, "the perks of being single". Yes, at 33 (going 34 next month), I'm proud of this status! I'm proud and loudly saying that I'm still NBSB 'coz I'm #SavingMyFirstKiss for that person God has in store for me! (I'm practicing purity ever since I've heard about my late Pastor Kuya Linus' preaching on the 3 M's - Master, Mission, Mate almost two decades ago). You might be blown at this revelation so I'd like to also say that I am not of this world. I am set apart for my Master! #tosomreads
Thanks to Lisa Velthouse, a mighty woman of God for sharing this book to all single Christian ladies who are also saving their first kiss for the man God prepares for them at the altar! :)
P.S. Thanks also to my new sister in Christ, Jessa Mier Cos for the book and to my forever atsi, Ann Sharon Lee for the berry sweet Japanese treat!
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