
Tuesday, January 10, 2012

New Year, New Beginnings

As another year unfolds, it’s inevitable for us not to review the past.  We look back and recollect our achievements and failures, happiness and sadness, as well as the kindness and mischief we did.  We ponder on lessons learned and tend to list down things we must keep up, must improve, and must change.  Then unknowingly, we had created a New Year’s Resolution.

Wikipedia defines New Year’s Resolution as a commitment that a person makes to one or more personal goals, projects, or the reforming of a habit.  It is made in anticipation of the New Year and new beginnings.  People committing themselves to a New Year’s resolution generally plan to do so for the whole following year.       

As I asked some blog readers of what their New Year’s Resolutions are, Edz Gutierrez answered, “After I graduated from college, the New Year’s Resolutions stopped.  Why?  I just stopped preparing them.  Maybe because a lot of them go unfulfilled anyway, so I no longer wanted to pressure myself into making a list and then breaking what I wrote in that list.”

I strongly agree with her in that aspect for many of us make very long lists of resolutions but at the end, they remain words in those lists.  A lot of times, we’re being hypocrites to our own selves that we say, “there’s still another year to come so save it for the next New Year”.  We’re just fooling ourselves that’s why some people do not believe in New Year’s Resolutions at all.

However, changes for the better are good so as Edz continued, “But for this hub, I decided to make another New Year’s Resolution list.  Since the New Year is a great time to review my past and plan for my future, but for any real change to occur there has to be a long term commitment.  It needs to be a CONSTANT LIVING RESOLUTION that I am committed to achieving.  This living resolution does not fade after January finishes, because it is alive and takes much more than a yearly review to survive.  I want to be UNUSUAL this year and make my New Year’s Resolution a LIVING RESOLUTION that remains a part of my life!

Indeed, she’s correct!  That is why I’m sharing this to you, my dear blog readers – don’t lose heart in making New Year’s Resolutions.  A New Year is like a book with blank pages to be written with words.  A New Year is like a blank canvass to be painted with colors.  Let’s just see to it that the words we write are good and the colors we paint are bright.  Let us all have a positive outlook in life not just at the start of a New Year but the whole year through!

My Blog Correspondents New Year’s Resolutions:

Edz Gutierrez  “I’d like to continue sharing blessings to people who need help and give more time in community service.”

Vian Sila  “Baby!!!  Diet J

Stephanie Laurete  “To sleep early…

Jemimah Garcia  “To loose weight!!! and patience...

Cheryl Singuran  “Not to be late in appointments anymore…

Charelle Joy Macalisang  “Diet!  I will only eat Chinese lumpia and no lunch!”

Marie Celle Mosqueda  “DIET!  DIET!”

And for the blogger's New Year's Resolution, 

"I will find a boyfriend this year so it would be my turn this 12-12-12!:)"

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