
Friday, March 15, 2013

Feature Friday: Buddha Tooth Relic Temple and Museum

Feature Friday highlights businesses, people, fashion, and basically anything under the sun!

Buddhism is a religion having its roots from India that is based from the philosophy, beliefs, and teachings of Siddhartha Gautama Buddha.  Buddha, meaning "the awakened one" lived before Christ and taught his insights on ending suffering through eliminating craving for sensuality and acquisition of identity thus attaining the highest happiness (nirvana).
Older than Christianity, Buddhism never developed a missionary movement but Buddha's teachings spread all over Asia.  His followers developed its own religious structure in each country from where they came from.  Among these Asian countries are India, Cambodia, Taiwan, South Korea, Sri Lanka, Myanmar, Vietnam, Thailand, Japan, and China.  Among these countries, China has the largest Buddhist population reaching over 102,000,000 in the year 2012.  (      

As a country of mostly Chinese inhabitants, Singapore also practices Buddhism.  When the sacred relic of the tooth of Buddha was turned over to local Venerable Shi Fa Zhao in August 2002, the Buddha Tooth Relic Temple and Museum was built to house it.  The temple is based on the architectural design and style of the Tang Dynasty and Buddhist Mandala.  The 4-storey building stands predominantly along 288 S. Bridge Road, Chinatown, Singapore which was consecrated on May 2008 by the most Venerable Shi Kwang Sheng. 

A Great Statue Outside the Temple
The ground floor of the Buddha Tooth Relic Temple and Museum consists of the Hundred Dragons Hall and the Universal Wisdom Hall.  The Hundred Dragons Hall is also called as the Maitreya Hall that houses one hundred statues of Buddha which were individually and intricately handcrafted by various master sculptors.
 Buddha Maitreya - The Buddha of Happiness
Devotees of the Buddha Maitreya will enjoy longevity and happiness.  
Happiness Surrounds Me Forever! :)
Buddha Amitabha - The Buddha of Infinite Light
On the other hand, the second hall is the Universal Wisdom Hall also known as the Avalokiteśvara Hall.  It houses the "Lord who looks down" alongside with his zodiac protectors.
Bodhisattva Avalokiteśvara - The Buddha of Compassion
Zodiac Protector
Zodiac Protector
Devotees of Bodhisattva Avalokiteśvara will enjoy liberation from suffering and strife.

The fourth floor of the temple is the Sacred Light Hall or the Sacred Buddha Tooth Relic Chamber.  It is where the gold tooth relic in a stupa is being confined.  Buddha's tooth is the only remains of his body after his cremation in 483 BC.  Only the noble Sangha (a community of ordained Buddhist monks) have access to the chamber and visitors are only allowed in the public viewing area.  Picture-taking is strictly prohibited in this consecrated higher ground.


Gate Handle
Joss Sticks Vessel
Prayer Requests and Wishes
My Wish Had Already Been Granted :)
With a Temple Monk
LIKE here for more information and updates of the Buddha Tooth Relic Temple and Museum.

                                                                       Photo Credits to:
                                                                     Mark Rimmon Sila
                                                                   June Ann Olandesca
                                                                    Harley Phanuel Que
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" alone are God over all the kingdoms of the earth.  You have made heaven and earth." - Isaiah 37:16

"They have thrown their gods into the fire and destroyed them, for they were not gods but only wood and stone, fashioned by human hands." - Isaiah 37:19

".....all kingdoms on earth may know that you alone, O LORD, are God." - Isaiah 37:20

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