
Thursday, January 31, 2013

Daily Dose of C

Studies show that the rainy season and cold weather is not the cause of illnesses like the common cold.  Rather, such illness is caused by the virus called rhinovirus.  A person catches cold when the virus gets into the human body.  During rainy days, people get to stay indoor and when one has the common cold, the virus would spread from one person to another.  So, the rain doesn't cause the cold but it is the virus and the dry air that spreads it.  (Medical Facts and Fallacies, Bato Balani 2013)

Since we are presently having rainy days, there is a need for us to boost our immune system.  We can comply this by taking our daily dose of Vitamin C.  Vitamin C is also known as ascorbic acid.  It is an essential nutrient that fights pathogens thus building up body resistance.  We can get it naturally by eating citrus fruits like oranges, ponkan, and dalandan.  Through science, Vitamin C has been concentrated in syrup, tablet, or capsule form.  Advancement in technology has also led to the addition of Vitamin C in powdered drinks.  

One of the most nutritious powdered drinks in the market today is the Magnolia Powdered Fruit Drink Mix. One glass of it is packed with 60-80 mg of Vitamin C.  That is just equivalent to eating three whole oranges that is the recommended daily allowance (RDA) for Vitamin C.  Plus, it has the added Vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, B6, and B9 for better body energy.  It is so refreshingly good and delicious coming in three variants (Orange, Orange-Mango, and Pineapple).

I'm glad that drinking Magnolia Powdered Fruit Drink Mix had become my lifestyle.  I'm sturdy enough to resist catching the common cold.  So to all of you my dear blog readers, safeguard your health by getting a daily dose of C from Magnolia Powdered Fruit Drink Mix!

Magnolia Health Tea Powdered Drink Mix is available in all leading supermarkets nationwide.

This is a sponsored post.

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