
Friday, November 21, 2014

The Night of #yrech32

Now here comes the party proper of Doc Cherry Ann at Ibiza Beach Club!  It was like her debut with the documentation of her glamming up for the party and all.

Perfume Giveaways from Fascino by Maria Rosalia
With Queenie's Papang, Archu
Wine and Dine
With Dockie's Pretty Cebuana Friends
Oh!  We're Dancing in Ibiza, We're Having a Great Party!
Lemon Grass Therapy
Indoor Fine Dining of Ibiza Beach Club
Good food, connoisseur wine, upbeat music, awesome place, new friends.  The night of Cherry Ann's birthday was just so perf!  And like a debut, the night ended with the opening of gifts.    

Our birthday girl was just so happy for everything turned out as she wished for.  So to our very generous friend, thank you so much for inviting us over!  'Twas really an experience of a lifetime!  We wish you all the best and more blessings to come.  Continue keeping your feet on the ground.  Happy happy happy, joy joy joy, love love love to you, chog!  We love you! xoxo

Watch out for more blog posts on our Mövenpick experience only here in The Other Side of Mae! :)   #tosomtravels