Oh, what a grueling sched I have nowadays that I wish it's gonna be 26 hours a day! (Before, I was only wishing for 25 but with the over overload, another hour extension is greatly desired.) I am just too busy with my senior high school and college loads that maintaining this blog ended up last on my priority list. Huhuhu..... Forgive me, my dear blog readers but I will really really try to do my very best in keeping up with this as this is my passion.
So without further ado, I'd like to share with you a snippet of me and my friends' tour in Cambodia last week! As with every travel, I have some "travel goals" and for Cambodia, I aimed to be chasing sunrise and sunset! Sunrise! Huh! For a sleepy head like me, it's a whole lot of sacrifice albeit the challenge! Hehehe..... With only 4 hours of sleep, I woke up first among the four of us to my alarm at 3:30 AM Siem Reap time. Hallelujah! Being always the last to wake up, it was indeed a victory for me! Praise be to God for the determination to get up and go out there to meet Angkor Wat's most celebrated sunrise!
Now here it is! My very first travel vlog! This is also the very first selfie video I've ever taken, raw, no edits, a very amateur one but filled with love and laughter! For the nth time that I've watched this, it still gives me the stomach-achingly laugh! Just bear with us, guys! Hahaha!!!!!
Hope you enjoyed that one! Hehe..... Watch out for my next post as I bring to you the enchantment of Angkor Wat! #tosomtravels