Praise God there ain't no typhoon this year! Thank God there ain't no fatalities to be aided so Fascino's project for this year is for kids' joy! As we launched our project last month, balloon orders kept coming thus making our 50 days of Christmas fruitful. We didn't expect to have collected as much P5 coins for every dozen of balloons ordered at the store. Aside from that, some customers/friends were also so generous to share their coins to our piggy bank. So everything was made possible. A party was thrown to the kids of Brgy. Bongbong Happy Church outreach and gifts were given to each and every child. We had celebrated a very bountiful Christmas last week and this came into realization because of all of you. Now here are some pics of the joy the kids experienced as our way of saying, "Thank you, thank you, ang babait ninyo!" :)
Parlor games were played and winners were given prizes.
A magic show was performed by Mr. Clown which amazes the kids so much!
Playtime with Bugs Bunny was a lot of fun time!
Now here comes the food and the gifts!
It's not only the kids who enjoyed but also the adults as well.
Thank you so much to my Singko Mo, E-Regalo Mo army for supporting this project all the way! Thanks to Papa, Mama, Ep2x, and Laling. To our cousin, Rio and niece Ella. And of course, to Fascino's stockholders (hehehe) Annalyn, Christ, Alvite and Jing2x. Thank you, thank you for sharing your time, talent, and effort to Fascino by Maria Rosalia!
And to you my dear blog readers and loyal customers, a big THANK YOU to all of you and 'till our next project, Fascinofiers! :)
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