When I went to CDO, I looked for this. When I went to Cebu, I again looked for this. This was on top of my list but National Bookstore ran out of copies. When NB opened here in Ozamiz last week, I still looked for this. To my great luck, this was again unavailable. Oh, why were you so mailap, Dear Alex.....? You were also like my love life! Hard to chase, hard to get, hard to find! Chasing after you was quite an effort!
Surprisingly, my very dear friend Christ went to the store this afternoon and handed you to me! Oh, what a joy! Finally, I got a hold of you! I was so delighted with Christ's generosity, love, and support. Truly, people come like angels to save us from our grief!
Now it has been 1 month, 3 days, 5 hours, 51 minutes, and god knows how many seconds! Still, I cannot say that I already had my one last cry. But at least I'm trying not to cry anymore. I still can't say that all the tears had dried out. But at least I'm trying to be OK. The madness and bitterness are slowly fading unlike my posts last month that were all curses and bad vibes.
Maybe, getting this book now and not last month has a reason. Maybe I'll have a more open heart to let go because I had calmed down and somehow had started to accept reality and had also started to leave the fantasy behind. I think it's about time to "move forward".
Thank you so much, Kringy and Opaw! :) Hehe..... I'm such a joiner to the two of you!