Spiritual Sunday teaches all about life and our Big Boss.
A month ago, I had written this out from our Lasallian Formation modules. Today, I am writing this blog post out from our Lasallian Philosophy classes. A month after, would I still be writing about the same topic? Who knows?
Since high school, it is already in my knowledge that La Salle is a school for the poor. It has been reiterated over and over again from first year to fourth year by our Religion teachers. However, I failed to understand the real essence of it. (Now this explains my line of 7 grade in Morality) Maybe I just memorized the facts of La Salle's history. You know, like any other student out there who are just memorizing dates, names, and places without understanding. But on our third session of the study of St. John Baptist de La Salle's life earlier, I now understand. It is just so enriching to be filled with more knowledge not just mentally but also spiritually. This time, my understanding is deeper and more relevant.
To start with, St. La Salle had his heart for the poor. Even as a child, he already observed the great chasm between the poor and the rich. Though born to a wealthy family, he empathized with the poor but he haven't thought of a way of helping them just yet.
Growing up, he was groomed to become a priest. In his time, only the rich ones who had "the influence" could afford to send their boys to theological schools. So he did. And while in school, he received news of the passing of his mother first then his father the following year. With this, he returned home to take over the responsibility as head of the family, being the eldest son.
While taking care of his siblings, St. La Salle continued to be of service to God until an educator named Adrian Nyel came to see him for the mission of opening up a school for boys. The road was not easy for them as they started to operate a school. They had to work with schoolmasters who were not yet that trained for the job and the school boys were still very rowdy and hard to manage. They were also financially challenged that the other schoolmasters left their posts.
With that, St. La Salle gathered the remaining schoolmasters and talked with them for a commitment to the mission. Then that was the time that they called themselves "brothers" as St. La Salle was already deprived of stewardship of his family by his uncles and aunts because of his inclinations with the poor (schoolmasters whom they regarded as "savage").
Through many trials and hardships, St. La Salle together with the other brothers held on until they purchased St. Yon to be their very first formal boarding school. From Rouen to Paris to Canada, to Asia, and to the world. There went Lasallian schools providing quality human and Christian education. Though St. La Salle hadn't seen all of these into physical being, his work lives on. As a servant of God, his words were always "This work is Yours." All in, it was God's work he was working on. It was God's call he was heeding. It was God's grace he was living.
So with this, St. La Salle was an instrument from God above to promote quality human and Christian education thus earning him his title, Patron Saint of Teachers. Truly, St. La Salle lived a life dedicated to be in service to God.
Now let me share to you this quick vid of the summary of St. La Salle's life by Magkakapatid.
As a Lasallian before, I just took being a "Lasallian" lightly. But as a Lasallian now, I found out what my mission is. I am now in the process of considering teaching as a vocation, not a job. I am now in the process of taking part into the mission as I fully understand what being a Lasallian should be.
I will continue, oh my God
To do all my actions
For the love of you.
Live Jesus in our hearts, forever!
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