Whimsical Wednesday shows my fancy in a myriad of beautiful things.
When in a place, I see to it to have an experience for the place. I explore the place's best spots, best finds, and best eats. From my latest journey, I found this decadent shop of local Chinese delicacies in Hong Kong - Wing Wah.

Wing Wah is Hong Kong's leading food manufacturing company. It was founded by Lau Pui Ling in 1950 which started out selling mooncakes. Then it opened as a restaurant which served the best Chinese sausages, cakes, and teas in town. And this what made me enter their retail shop at Hong Kong International Airport - my love for tea! They just have loads of 'em! Teas of different variations, name it and they have it. Even teas I haven't heard of yet. I just got quite crazy over their wide array of selections that I wanted to purchase all variants if it were not for the excess luggage that I'm gonna be having.

Aside from teas, they have candies that come from organic sources. Ginger candies are their specialty that has therapeutic claims for cure of any common everyday ailment like sore throat, colds, cough, nausea, menstrual cramps, morning sickness during pregnancy, etc. Chinese people have their faith in ginger as alternative medicine that they have it in their daily dietary routine.

Aside from ginger candies, they also have these menthol liquorice cubes that help clarify your voice and clear your throat. Since our schedule was too tight the entire trip, we hardly got enough sleep. So on our last day, our bodies bailed on us. And with this, it was the voice that had got affected most. Good thing I found this jar of cure that worked miracles to our jaded throats.

Additionally, just like Filipinos, Chinese love eating refreshments. These crispy cubes with raisins are just like our ampao here in Cebu. It's a healthy fun snack compared to the junk foods I am killing my kidneys with.

So with these, a bag full of Wing Wah goodies was taken home! Their prices are also right to the budget that you can also share some to friends as pasalubong. For me, it is always good to have something to bring home from a journey that would remind me of my trip a little bit longer.

Wing Wah restaurants and cake shops are scattered all over Hong Kong. They also have branches worldwide, bringing Chinese goodies to all corners of the earth. Wing Wah E-shop is also accessible 24/7 online. Just click here for more information!
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