Feature Friday highlights businesses, people, fashion, and basically anything under the sun!
Tuslob buwa is a colloquial term for food dipping. It originates in Cebu City where it literally means "to dip in bubbles". In the streets of Carbon and Pasil, vendors offer tuslob buwa for free to passers-by and all they have to pay is the puso or hanging rice which costs for only P3 each. Market workers and laborers just drop by to any tuslob buwa nook around the market to ease their hunger for the day. Now you might be wondering what's in this tuslob buwa?
Tuslob buwa is a concoction of sautéed pig brain, shrimp paste, spices, and broth. Out from the simmering wok, eaters dip their puso into it thus taking the word buwa. It's too far from being a viand but to the masses, it's already a complete meal that could get them through.
But out of curiosity, other people also want to try this boy-scout-kind-of-eating-thingy apart from boodle fighting. Sanitation-wise, it's unwise to eat at tuslob buwa nooks in Carbon. Just imagine the plenty of hands dipping into the wok. Just imagine the puso from a person's mouth to be dipped again into the wok. Tuslob buwa indeed is just for those with rigid stomachs.
However, it's a great thing there are carenderias and even restaurants that are now adapting the culture of tuslob buwa. They are now offering tuslob buwa so we can also experience the fun dining that comes with it! This time, we need not worry about sanitation for the wok is inclusive for our group only. Additionally, you'll also get to enjoy cooking your own tuslob buwa version by yourself.
And another great thing, tuslob buwa is now here in Ozamiz! Thanks to The BBQ Station for bringing this exotic Cebuano street food to our city! Now let me share to you how to cook your tuslob buwa version.
Season with soy sauce, pepper, and secret seasoning.
Dip the puso and start eating!
There you have a quick and easy tuslob buwa tutorial. It's not a very hard thing to do so anyone can just do the honor in cooking it though he/she cannot actually cook. Group work cooking is more fun with this like you just have to take turn in doing the first step then next and next.
It's not just fun cooking and dining at The BBQ Station but it is also affordable. One set of tuslob buwa costs only P99!
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Now, what are you waiting for? Tag along your family and friends for this unique fun dining experience! Visit The BBQ Station along Port Road, Ozamiz City and taste a Cebuano delicacy in an Ozamiz way!